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The ManfredState of Hiring Report

We are committed to bringing transparency to the technical talent industry. With this report, in which we make public the figures on talent attraction and management in Spain, we shed light on a sector that is still too opaque.

Shedding some light in the darkness

Looking for accurate data on hiring processes in the Spanish tech industry is like going into a dark well with no way out. There basically isn't any. It doesn't exist.

The absence of metrics means that we cannot compare our data with anyone else's, but there is something we can do: share this data with the Community. That way we will start to build some historical overview of what is happening in the world of tech recruitment.

In our aim to change the recruitment sector and to make it more human, more transparent and balanced, we have compiled the most relevant data around hiring processes: from Time-to-Hire, to the success rates, to the cost of hiring or the NPS of companies and candidates.

In this report you will find a wealth and depth of data. All extracted from our own sources: our candidate database and our own measured recruitment processes.

We hope you find it useful, and that it helps you to compare and better understand the market. And above all, we hope it sheds some light on your next recruitment decisions.


46 days

Time-to-Hire means of our hiring processes. A time that is reduced for junior profiles, software architects or Backend Developers with Javascript.


Average number of tests that make up a hiring process. The most frequently found test are HR screening, technical and management tests as well as interviews.


Recruitment Fee paid to talent agencies on average for recruitment services. The lowest fee is for Junior Backend Developers and the highest for Engineering Managers.


Success rate of our hiring processes. Factors such as the experience required or that the position is remote increase the probability of success.


Average 3-year employee churn of candidates hired via Manfred. Mobile Developers, Product Managers and Data Engineers (among others) show lower churn rates.


Number of candidates we attract per hiring process ( we identified 12 in the database and 21 proactively applied for the job). On average, we introduce 4 of them to the company.

Time and costs of hiring talent

Time-to-Hire data, the stages of a hiring process and the fees paid to recruiting agencies

The Time-to-Hire data

Time-to-Hire refers to the time it takes to hire someone, i.e. the lifecycle of a recruitment process. It is, fundamentally, one of the biggest costs a company incurs when hiring. Because time is money, it is opportunity cost.

We have developed an analysis of these metrics: the average Time-to-Hire is 46 days, but it increases or decreases depending on job roles or levels of seniority.

Time-to-Hire in the tech industry

49 days
Average Time-to-Hire in the tech industry*
46 days
Average Time-to-Hire for Manfred customers
42 days
Average Time-to-Hire with repeat customers
*Source: LinkedIn Economic Graph

Time-to-Hire by professional role

Time-to-Hire by core technology

Time-to-Hire in successful hiring processes

59 days
Average Time-to-Hire in unsuccessful hiring processes
46 days
Average Time-to-Hire in successfully closed processes

Time-to-Hire by location

60 days
Average Time-to-Hire in hybrid or on-site hiring processes
47 days
Average Time-to-Hire in remote hiring processes

The time-to-hire according to experience

The stages of a hiring process

Number of tests in a hiring process

Is there such a thing as the ideal recruitment process and how many stages does a recruitment process have on average? Using our recruitment process comparator, we have measured the number of stages in each company and the most common types of tests in a recruitment process.

Average number of stages in a hiring process

Frequency of different test types

The average number of hiring process stages is between 3 and 4. The larger the company, the more complicated the hiring process tends to become in terms of number and type of tests.

The most common recruitment stages are a pre-screening with Human Resources and interviews or technical tests. Reference checking is rare.

Recruitment fees paid

What roles pay the most? How much does it cost to recruit based on professional experience? How much do companies pay when recruiting? At Manfred, we fall in the mid-range pricing within the recruiting services sector. The main difference is that many recruitment agencies scale the price as the professional experience increases and, in our case, it is always static: 15% of what the person will be paid in their first year.

Backend Developer
Frontend Developer
Full-Stack Developer
Mobile Developer
Product Manager
Tech Lead
Engineering Manager

Success in hiring processes

Success rate, NPS and employee churn as key metrics to assess the success or failure of a hiring process

Success rate

We have analysed the hiring processes we successfully closed and those that we did not, as well as the success rates by job role, professional experience, location or technology. Which roles are the most to recruit for?

Success rate by professional role

Success rate in Manfred
Success rate with repeat customers

Success rate by location

Hybrid or on-site

Success rate by seniority

Only 4% of the job offers extended end up being rejected

Success rate by core technology

What are the reasons for a hiring process to not have a successfull ending?

Processes postponed by the company. In other words, they are not closed, but stopped for a period of time
External reasons (strategy, budget...)
We decided to close the collaboration because we came to the conclusion that we cannot add value to them right now
They hire someone internally who is already an employee within the company
The need was neither real nor urgent
They hire someone else, recruited organically
They don't share or understand the benefits of our way of working, they chose not to follow our advice
They no longer respond to our calls or emails
They hire someone via another talent agency
We are considered too expensive
The candidate rejects an offer
They close the position, they are no longer looking for anyone for that vacancy.


In 2021 we will automatically start to introduce the NPS -Net Promoter Score- in our hiring processes. Both for candidates and clients.

The NPS is a metric that aims to measures the quality of the recruitment processes. Would candidates recommend you as a company? Would you recommend us to other companies? How do we treat candidates?

Traditional theory states that:

  • An NPS of 8 or 9 out of 10 represents promoters of your products or services.
  • A score of 7 or 8 represents those who are passive users.
  • Below 6 would be your detractors.

On the right, we have depicted our respective NPS, with their composition of promoters, passive users and detractors (green, orange and red respectively). These are the figures pulled from just under 400 hiring processes carried out during 2022.

Manfred's NPS

NPS clients
NPS candidates
NPS candidates to companies

Turnover in the tech sector

This is one of the most contentious points in the whole report. How much talent churn is there?

There is no role that has less than 7% employee churn except for mobile development. Undoubtedly, the significant changes in infrastructure in recent years are reflected in the churn rates of roles such as SysAdmin or SRE.

As the saying goes: "It's the market, folks".

Employee churn by role

Replacement rate at Manfred. I.e. how many customers exercise their right to the 3-month guarantee.
Average turnover of persons recruited via Manfred (from September 2021)
Average employee churn in the tech industry*
*Source: Randstad Research

Applications and conversions

How many candidates apply per hiring process? How many make it through the first interview? Are there seasonality trends in the world of recruitment?

Applications and conversions

The majority of our database (over 92%) are actively seeking or are open to new job opportunities. In terms of numbers, this amounts to around 30,000 people. Only 8% are closed to new opportunities right now.

In terms of talent conversion data from a typical Manfred recruitment process, more than 3 out of 4 people we put forward end up being invited for an interview with the company. But more importantly, 1 in 3 candidates end up being hired.

Availability of our candidates

I am actively looking for a job
I'm open to new job opportunities
I'm totally closed to new job opportunities right now

conversion data in a hiring process carried out with Manfred

Candidates contacted by process. 12 found in our database and 21 who apply for the offer.
We introduce them to the company. That is, an average of 4 candidates per hiring process.
Of the candidates presented, they are then interviewed by the company.
They end up being hired.

When do you receive more applications?

Are there seasonality trends in the recruiting industry, and are there specific times of year when candidates are looking for a career change? The reality shows that there is.

September is the month that marks a change in trend after time off during the summer. However, October is the month with the highest number of new job applications, followed by November and December.

The months with the lowest activity are January and February. But from the end of the first quarter (March), applications start to increase gradually.

As for the days of the week, applicants apply more on Mondays and Tuesdays. And applications drop significantly on the weekend.

Monthly applications

Weekly applications


We have carried out this report with all the data we collected during the year 2022. The data list corresponds to two key variables: clients, those companies we have worked with, and candidates, those people who have applied for recruitment processes. In 2022, Manfred's database had more than 20,000 people. Now, in 2023, it is already more than 35,000.

This report is the first in the sector at national level, and to be honest, we would have liked to be able to add other companies' data to our own. But, above all, we want it to help you better understand the market and its idiosyncrasies.

If you are having difficulties finding talent and we can help you, you can write to us here.

Companies we have been in contact with
Companies we have worked with
Companies we have carried out recruitment processes for
Companies joined by manfredites

Do you like what we do?

Whether you want to take control of your career, or you are looking for professionals with the experience your business requires, we would be happy to help.

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