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Manfred ❤️ Circular

A stage closes at Circular and a new stage opens at Manfred

Circular becomes Manfred

Circular closes its doors to integrate into Manfred: the largest tech community in Spain. A community with over 100,000 professionals from the entire digital product field, whom we accompany throughout their professional careers.

Our mission is to make selection processes stop being a true pain. Both for candidates (by providing information, salaries, and support) and for companies (by providing market information, data, understanding of needs, and good candidate filtering). We want both to find the perfect match 💜.

If you are a candidate looking for new job offers or creating your CV on our platform, you might start being called a "manfredita". It's not an insult, that's what we call all the people in the community ^__^ .

If you are a company looking to hire the best talent, Manfred is the best community to do so.


  • We seek the best candidates and accompany you throughout the entire selection process
  • We provide market intelligence and information: salaries, success rates by role-location-tech, or advise you on the phases of your selection process.
  • We care for your image from the beginning: we are very concerned with the information we provide and the candidate experience.
  • We spread your job offer by land, sea, and air: in our database, on social networks, in external communities.


  • Find your ideal job with our offers
  • We guide you in your professional career
  • Import your profile from LinkedIn
  • Your data is yours: sync your GitHub profile to use it from wherever you want.
  • Receive valuable content and data to help you make decisions in your career.