Antonio Muñiz Casado

Antonio Muñiz Casado

IT professional

In Community of Madrid, Spain

General information


Currently supporting the web development teams at El Corte Inglés, within the Platform Assurance team.

I began my career providing IT technical support to the store staff of the Supercor and Sfera companies of the El Corte Inglés group. Later I joined the distributed systems operations team of the same group of companies.

In 2019 I left the operations department to join the Platform Assurance team as a support technician for the development teams of the e-commerce websites (elcortingles.es, hipercor.es, sfera.com, primeriti.es, etc.). At the same time being a systems technician for the development environments and infrastructure project manager for the new developments that the client needed.

Since then I have been dedicated in various stages to DevOps and DevSecOps support teams, working in the administration of Openshift and ELK platforms, or helping with the implementation of new CI/CD flows for the development teams.

In April 2024, I obtained the Atlassian ACP-620 certification for project management with Jira Software Cloud.

My best practices

I always try to document everything I have done and that is going to be used by a colleague.

I have worked with KANBAN and SCRUM at different stages of my professional career.

I usually train myself via Udemy courses in new technologies and read books about Clean code or TDD, even if they are not in my field of action, to have a more general vision and understanding of the rest of the technology verticals such as development.

I also listen to podcasts on topics related to management, strategy, personal development, and science.

My skills

Continuous learning
Good written communication



Technologies and tools

I master

  • Bash
  • Bitbucket
  • Elasticsearch
  • ELK
  • Git
  • Jenkins
  • Jira
  • Kibana
  • Kubernetes
  • Linux
  • MongoDB
  • OpenShift
  • Python
  • Windows

I want to work with

  • Ansible
  • Docker
  • Jira
  • Kubernetes
  • Python
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